Dr. Bottaro is a clinical psychologist practicing in Connecticut serving the greater New York Metropolitan area and many others through online therapy. He received his Psy.D. (Doctorate in Clinical Psychology) from the Institute for the Psychological Sciences, a graduate school in Arlington, VA that integrates Catholic philosophy and theology with sound, empirically validated psychology. Before finishing his degree, he discerned a religious vocation with the Community of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal (CFRs). He lived four years in the Bronx, serving the poor in the tradition of St. Francis. These years were emotionally, spiritually, and professionally formative as Dr. Bottaro tested his vocation and ultimately felt the prompting of God’s will to pursue family life.
Six years after leaving NYC as a friar he returned as a psychologist. His aim is fundamentally the same – to serve. Instead of serving those suffering material poverty, he now seeks to serve those with psychological needs. Dr. Bottaro formed the CatholicPsych Institute in 2012 to connect Catholics around the world with therapists trained to integrate the faith with the practice. There are many different types of psychological needs. CatholicPsych therapists are trained to provide treatment for the worst types of psychological suffering, as well as provide a therapeutic atmosphere to gain insight into some of life’s basic adjustments and issues.
Dr. Gregory Bottaro has been a guest on 1 episode.
19: 👨🏽💻 Conquering Anxiety and Negative self-talk with mindfulness and Dr. Gregory Bottaro
April 9th, 2018 | Season 1 | 1 hr 42 mins
Dr. Bottaro is a clinical psychologist practicing in Connecticut serving the greater New York Metropolitan area and many others through online therapy. We talk about his new book "The Mindful Catholic" and mental health.